

Apple Pancake Recipe

I make something I call an apple pancake for breakfast occasionally.  This idea was seen on a blog where the author 's father had this delicious pancake on a visit to San Francisco and re-created it at home.  In his version, he baked the pancake in the oven.  I don’t have a pan that goes into the oven so I use the stovetop.  Through a different blog, that author used the stovetop and provided me with the ability to also make my own pancake.

It is pretty simple.  All you need is:

·         One apple (but really only a half if your pan is small in size)

·         Cinnamon

·         Brown sugar

·         Oil or butter

·         Any type of pancake mix (I prefer the ones you only add water for less PPVs)


Put 1 tsp olive oil (or butter but factor PPVs for that) into a small size frying pan.  Cut your apple into very thin slices.  You want the apples to cover the entire bottom of your pan.  When the pancake is finished it will be sort of like an upside down pineapple cake version.  Add 1 or 2 tsp of brown sugar and sprinkle as much cinnamon as you want.

Turn the burner onto 6 and let the apples cook for a few minutes.  You want the apple to begin to get soft and the brown sugar start to caramelize.  I have burned a pancake once.  So be careful not to let it go too long.  We really are just want to start the apples cooking since they will continue to cook after you pour your pancake batter on top.

When the apples have started to soften, pour your prepared pancake mix over the top of the apples.  I use a spatula to spread it out along the apples.  It doesn’t have to cover it completely but you do want to get it out as far as you can.  As the pancake bakes, the batter will spread a little more.

 Cover the pan and leave the burner on 6 for a few minutes longer.

After about 2 minutes or so turn the burner down to 4.  As I said above, I have only burnt one pancake so far.  I think I left the heat too high for two long.  You might have to experiment with this pancake a time or two.  I also had one under cooked pancake as well.

It can be difficult to tell when the pancake it done. I let it cook on 4 for at least 5 or 7 minutes or so. I will test the top of the pancake with my finger. Similar to baking a cake, if there is some that comes off on your finger, it isn’t done. WARNING: IT IS HOT!!! So be careful when sticking your finger in there. You basically want to make sure the pancake looks firm and baked.

Once you are confident your pancake it baked, turn the pan over onto a plate so the apples come out on top.

At this point the pancake is ready to eat. I prefer to top mine with 8 grams of peanut butter and a drizzle of honey to the top of my pancake. It just adds to the flavor and really mixes well with the caramelized brown sugar bits. I am sure it would be good with syrup too.


The PPVs for your pancake would depend on the type of mix you use, how much oil or butter you add, how much brown sugar you use, and what you top your pancake with. This is a single serving pancake. If you were to make a larger one in a bigger pan you can double your pancake mix. You would also need to count the points accordingly.


Pancake mix: 4

Oil: 1

Brown Sugar: 1

Cinnamon: 0

Peanut Butter: 1

Honey: 0

Apple: 0

Total PPV: 7

If you are interested in using the method of baking it in the oven, here is the blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Looks really good! Your pictures are well done. I will try it soon - thanks for posting it.
