

Blogs I Enjoy Reading

I love reading blogs.  A few years ago, I learned about the world of blogging and found a recommendation for a healthy living blog in my Health Magazine.

Tina blogs at Carrots ‘N’ Cakes and also writes for Health magazine online.   I started reading her blog first and from there would “piggy back” to other bloggers she would post about and tag.  It is funny how many bloggers network together and I found myself feeling sort of like a secret friend of all these please!  You can ask my husband to verify just how silly I often sound.

I now read Tina’s blogs daily along with three other healthy living blogs
Kath blogs at Kath Eats Real Food and since having her baby also blogs at Baby KERF

Meghann blogs at Meals and Miles

Since both Meghann and Kath have a blog roll, I read other blogs from time to time.
Kath’s sister Laura blogs at Taking Back My Twenties

Anne blogs at fANNEtastic Food

Emily blogs at Daily Garnish
Callie blogs at The Wannabe Athlete
Sabrina blogs at RhodeyGirl Tests
Sarah blogs at peas and thank you

After the first of this year, I was looking for some weight loss and maintenance blogs that would help energize me.  I love reading about success stories.  If you google “weight loss blogs” you will find several good ones.  While all weight loss and maintenance is awesome, you know I love a success story with 100+ pounds lost and maintained, like myself.  Here are some good ones.
Lynn blogs at Lynn's Weigh.  She is a fellow WW member and I have been following her blog for a few years
Katie blogs at Runs for Cookies and has lost 125 pounds.  She documents here maintenance journey
Diane blogs at Fit to the Finish and has lost 150 pounds.  She has continued to maintain through several additional pregnancies.
While Roni isn’t a part of the 100+ pound club, I enjoy her enthusiasm.  She blogs at Roni’sWeigh.  She also has a great food blog GreenLite Bites and a great travel blog The Unworldly Travelers
Do you watch The Bachelor?  Sean’s sister has a blog.  I enjoy reading Shay’s blog daily.  She loves to travel and I love to read about her adventures.  She also has some behind the scene posts about Dancing With The Stars, which Sean is currently filming, and had many fun posts and recaps of The Bachelor.  You can find Shay’s blog at Mix and MatchFamily


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