

The Scale Still Makes Me Nervous

Although I have been a WW member for six years and a Lifetime member for four years, I still get nervous when it is time to step on the scale. I am not sure my anxiety over the scale will ever fully go away. In all honestly, the anxiety and the scale in general does help to keep me accountable. Also, you can’t use the number on the scale as the only indicator for success either.

Being a Lifetime member my requirement is to weigh-in a minimum of once a month (the first meeting you attend) and that you must be no more than two pounds above your goal weight. If I want to attend meetings all month long then I need to be in goal range at the first of each calendar month. Since April 1st is upon us, I have been feeling the anxiety this week.

I took this week off work and when plans changed it turned into a stay-cation. I wasn’t sure how I would feel being at home with all access to food. I am very good about making my meals and packing my lunches for work. This would be sort of like a week long weekend. I opted to skip the scale at WW last week and just attend the meeting. I did get on my scale at home and was showing a gain. In reflecting on this last week I know seeing that gain helped me stay on track and stay focused.

The first part of my stay-cation was really smooth sailing and I even nixed the snacking that had been occurring the weekend prior. I had a few events scheduled but was getting in plenty of exercise and keeping my other food in check. I always strive balance the food within my week. Later in the week, however, I had a few more “food events” come up and was starting to feel some anxiety.

When I start to feel stressed and anxious I want to restrict my food and increase my exercise. Instead I just need to remember to breathe and trust the WW program. I don’t have to work my little tail off. I just need to eat right, focus on Power Foods, track, exercise, and keep my sweets and other extras to a minimum.

I checked in on my home scale on Friday and my weight was looking good. I had already had a lunch out with my Mom and popcorn at the movie, a planned dinner out with a friend, and pizza and salad while dying Easter eggs with my nieces. I still had a planned dinner out on Saturday night for a birthday and Easter Sunday dinner at my parents.

When I got on my scale at home Monday it wasn’t looking promising anymore.   If I had really need/wanted to, I could have squeaked by without having to pay.  I was pretty bummed.  Since I was not able to attend my meeting due to working overtime, I decided I will wait until later this week to see if I am in goal range.  So far, each day is also not looking very good.

It is hard not to be discouraged.  I know that I am usually “up” on the scale after my period (oh the joys of being a woman) and that I can’t let it get me down.  All I can do is work my program, get in my activity, and keep moving forward.  If I have to pay next week then so be it. 

In all honesty, I know if this was not the first of a new month and I was not “required” to step on the scale I might have been feeling a little more at ease during my stay-cation. I am sure I would also have eaten differently and I might have even shown another gain! Trust the program. Always trust the program

I will check back after I WI later this week or early next week.

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