

How To Raise Your Heart Rate

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I am afraid of dogs.  Well, I am afraid of all animals but really afraid of dogs.

I got bit by a dog when I was little.  It wasn’t the dog’s fault and I learned a huge lesson that day: don’t ride the dog like a horse!  Regardless, I am now very much afraid of dogs.

I walk the same two routes on a regular basis around my neighborhood and the neighborhood next to ours.  I have learned which houses have dogs and which dogs are behind fences.  After a few “close calls” I have also learned to watch the houses with garage doors open as sometimes a dog will appear out of nowhere to bark and growl at you.  It is worse in the summertime. 

Yesterday while out for a walk on my normal three mile loop I was surprised by two dogs that came barking and running down the driveway from an open garage door.  I guess I wasn’t paying attention or just had not seen dogs at this house before.  I instantly froze and shouted a few choice words.  I have been trying to get better when being approached by a dog when I am out for a walk.  I try to stay calm and use a forceful voice to tell the dog to “go home.”  However, yesterday this was not the case.  I didn’t have time to react before both large dogs were right up on me.  Thankfully, the pet owner came out of the garage quickly and called off her animals.

If I had a chart showing my heart rate at the time this occurred, you would have seen a clear spike at that very moment I heard and saw those dogs running towards me.  I am so afraid of dogs I will sometimes cry when approached by one that is barking.  That is why I try really hard to just stay calm and use my voice. 

The rest of my walk wasn’t as relaxing as I had hoped it would be.  I was just on edge and every little noise from then on out made me jump a little.  I hate that feeling.  I will now remember that house and those dogs as I come upon it next time.

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