

Why I Gave Up Dieting

I don’t remember where I found this postcard.  Sorry for the glossy look but it is a photo of the original postcard.

To me, dieting sounds like a “bad word.”  Okay, maybe not the traditional bad word we are used to but the word feels like it has a negative meaning.  When we diet, we often deprive or restrict.  That is why it feels negative.

I have always viewed my weight loss as a journey.  I would correct anybody who called it a diet!  It was never a diet.  It was a lifestyle change.  It is because I made this journey a lifestyle change that makes sticking to it that much easier.

My friend Dawny posted on the WW message boards and on Facebook that it was nine years ago that she walked into her first WW meeting.  Dawny has lost over 260 pounds.  What an accomplishment!  She said something in her post that I agree 100% with.  Weight Watchers didn’t do this work for her.  SHE did the work.  SHE lost the weight.  WW just provided her the tools to assist her in this lifestyle change.

Regardless of what tools you seek out to aid you in your journey I hope you will find a support group.  Not everybody is as social as I am and not everybody would feel comfortable in a WW meeting.  It doesn’t have to be WW.  That is just what worked for me.  But somewhere find some support.  

Since I refused to look at my weight loss as a diet, it made moving on from a high PPVs day easier.  Sure, I slipped up.  I wasn’t “bad” because of it.  I didn’t need to give up all my good effort just because I ate more food than necessary.  I just picked myself up and moved on.  There is always a next meal, a next day, and a next week.  The slate starts clean again.

Lifestyle change…not a diet.  Adjust your way of thinking and you might find this journey you are on just a teeny bit easier.

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