

Elevator to Success

I found this photo off a friend’s Facebook page.  I thought it was appropriate to weight loss and maintenance.

Although taking the stairs is a good way to get in extra activity in your day, taking the elevator is the fastest route.  But there are no fast routes when it comes to weight loss.  We simply must take the stairs.

In taking the stairs we can learn a lot about ourselves.

There are often struggles.  We learn that sometimes taking the stairs hurts.  We learn that sometimes it is exhausting.  We know that there are times we want to quit.  We know that there are also times we want to turn around and just walk back down the stairs.

There are also rewards.  We learn that to continue moving forward up the stairs we must put continue to put one foot in front of the other.  We learn that as we continue upward we can see much more clearly.  We learn how strong we really are.

Don’t give up on your journey and don’t give in and take the elevator.  You will learn so much more about yourself if you accept the struggles along the way and just take the stairs.

And seriously…take the stairs!  You earn more APs that way!

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