

The Case Of The Missing Ice Cream Shake

I was feeling like I wanted a little something sweet yesterday just before I headed to bed.  I had worked the late shift at work so I had to get rounded up for bed quickly.  I kept trying to talk myself out of getting into my leftover Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup shake that was in the freezer.

Since trying to talk myself OUT of eating some wasn’t working I talked myself INTO eating just a couple of bites.  In all honesty, I am not even sure if those bites would have been counted.  I had already gone over my 30 DPA by 7 PPVs.  Since I didn’t do any activity I had to use my WPPA to cover it.

Much to my surprise, I opened the freezer to find no ice cream shake in there.  Hmmmm…..looks like Kenyon ate it!  A quick confirmation and I had my answer.  He said “it called to me so I had to eat it.”  Funny, it was calling to me too.  Or at least the ghost of it was!

I suppose I should be thankful Kenyon ate the shake.  Of course I am always willing to share.  But now, it not only saves me from using the PPVs to finish it off but it only confirmed what I knew before I went the freezer: I wasn’t going to be honest with those PPVs consumed.

I don’t make a habit of not tracking accurately.  I am actually quite good with adding 1 PPV for a small piece of chocolate even if it wasn’t quite a full point.  I also will take a small sliver of a dessert and count it as 2 or 3 PPVs.  Tracking inaccurately only hurts me.  Just because I didn’t write a food down doesn’t mean I didn’t consume it.  The same thing goes with eating less than a full serving of a food.  If I have the ability to run the NI I will do that so I can get an accurate PPV number.  I 100% believe in honest tracking.

The WW Gods were looking out for me last night!

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