

Why I Like My Smaller Body

I saw my PT Tuesday and Wednesday this week since it was a holiday weekend.  I see him again on Friday.  I was telling Kenyon “my PT beat me up” as I was pretty sore on Tuesday.  My pain is about 85-90% better and maybe even closer to 95%.  I am not pain free but it is a large improvement!

Jeremy, the PT, says I am in Phase 2.  It is the strength building phase where we work on movements focusing on the core and strengthening the muscles that support the back.  We can work really hard to fix the injury but without the proper support, re-injury is likely.

The moves I am required to do involve getting up and down and on and off the table that is about my hip height (I am 5’6”).  Yesterday I was using the stability ball to do wall sits and also lay across it on my stomach while I work other area of my back. 

It made me think about how much harder it would be to do these moves at 304 pounds.  How awkward would it be lean over a stability ball with all my excess hanging over the side?  I know I would probably be embarrassed.  In my 179 pound body it still felt like my air was slightly restricted.  It would also be a lot harder to get up and down off a table at hip height.

If I was still 304 pounds the doctor might not have even suggested physical therapy.  Instead she could have pushed surgery.  Luckily my doctor knows me, knows my story, and made the right decision in referring me to PT.  I wish I had gone sooner, however, I am very happy to be feeling better.

It is the little things in life that remind me why I am on this journey, how much I have accomplished, and why I continue to focus on healthy eating and activity.

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