

An Update On My Back

I got some bad news when I saw the orthopedic doctor last Thursday. I guess it wasn't bad per se but it just wasn't what I was expecting.

My PT had been treating me for what he thought was bulging disk. We have been working on building my core and until I got home from my Vegas trip, I was feeling really good. The pain was only minor and I still had trouble sleeping and sitting for long periods of time.

After looking over my x-ray, the orthopedic doctor says my alignment is “abnormal” and “there is evidence of a transitional L5 segment more pronounced on the left than the right.” He says my body just formed differently in that my 5th vertebra at one point tried to fuse with the sacrum, the bones that continue down to the tailbone, but never actually did. He described this as similar to arthritis. The doctor's notes say “enlarged transverse process of the transitional L5 vertebra and superior sacrum.”

This was not the news I was expecting and the doctor really didn't have any answers or provide me with any insight. He left me with a feeling of "this is just how it is going to be."  He said I could get a back brace if it is bad enough or injections into the back. A worse case scenario would be seeing if the two bones could be fused together. He also didn't think I should resume my exercise classes at the Y. I think that was the hardest news to hear. I miss my active lifestyle.

I will be seeking a second opinion and I am going to ask for an MRI. I have an appointment set up with a second doctor on Monday. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions since my doctor visit and mostly I am in a pretty dark place. I was happy to see the PT the other day so I could get some sort of insight and start to sort out my two different diagnosis.

My PT, who I have been seeing for four weeks now does believe that both his diagnosis and the doctor's are centralized in the same area, the L5, and also describes the same symptoms. However, he is not comfortable with the doctor's diagnosis and also encouraged me to seek a second opinion.

I sort of feel like what was the point of losing all the weight to then be almost 34 years old and have a “bad back.” But you know what? I can't really think like that. If I was still 304 pounds this would be that much more complicated. I am in a better place now even if this is something that will never fully go away or that I will not live a pain-free life.

There is still hope and my PT has shown me lots of exercises to continue to strengthen my core. As I said earlier, my back has been feeling much better then when the pain started six weeks ago. There are also many other exercises I can explore and ways to modify my activity. 

I will continue to gain information and I am eager to see the second doctor. This is a doctor I know and I have seen him on a prior occasion when I broke my foot several years ago. He has performed surgery on my dad's shoulder, as well as other family members knees. He is a great guy and I feel very comfortable going to see him. I didn't like the first orthopedic doctor I saw and I will not be returning to that practice for any reason.

I believe in the power of positive thinking so that is what I must do.

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