

Fat Days

A fat day is possibly worse than a bad hair day.  With a bad hair day everybody can see it and knows you aren’t feeling your best.  However, with a fat day others might notice but HOPEFULLY don’t say anything.  Well, at least if they know what is good for them!

Fat days are worse because YOU can feel it.  You are uncomfortable and often feeling low on motivation.  It can be hard to stay the course but this too shall pass.

I have been feeling very bloated the last couple of days.  Being a woman sucks sometimes.  I have also been struggling with feeling very tired.  Tuesday I was craving salt like crazy and much chips, salsa, and black bean dip was consumed at On The Border.

This is usually the week that my weight is up.  Just what I need right now!  Mother Nature visited last week so this week is usually when I show a gain at the scale.  I am sure it is partly why I am also feeling bloated and uncomfortable.  Not sure about the fatigue though.

I am doing my best to stay positive though.  My friend Dawny helped talk me into going to the gym on Wednesday, where I just walked less times around the track.  I also chaged into my workout clothes and walked on the treadmill at home last night since I was watching TV in the evening anyway.  I know I will have to drum up some motivation to get to the Y after work today.  My miles are pretty good this week so if I need to I can go easy again.  However, I went to bed a little early and also slept in a little late.  So I don’t need to use that as an excuse.  Plus, it’s my Friday!

It will be a short weekend but I am looking forward to some time off work.  It has been a pretty slow week and the clock seems to be dragging at work lately.  We have about three more weeks of dayshift left.  I am usually just ready for change at about eight weeks instead of the 10 weeks we rotate. 

Thank goodness for change!

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