

I Am A Workout Snob

It appears I have turned into a workout snob.

Exhibit A: Since working out at the YMCA using the exercise ball for my PT exercises, I hate having to share.  It is MY exercise ball.  Find your own ball if you want to work out.  I normally would not mind sharing but you don't seem to know how that works.  I also don’t want to share the super small stretch/strength area with you since you also don’t seem to know how to share a small space effectively.

Exhibit B: If you are going to walk the track at the Y, why not follow the etiquette that goes with it.  Walk the correct direction on the correct day.  Oh, and here is a hint, it says WALK, JOG, RUN right there on the floor and each lane is separated by shiny blue lines just in case you aren’t sure where the actual lane is.  It isn’t a good idea for you and two of your other friends to fan out across all lanes of the track and pretend you don’t see somebody faster coming up behind you.

Exhibit C: The Y isn’t the mall.  You shouldn’t be there just to “hang out” and get in the way of people who are there for a reason.  It would be cheaper to just go hang out at the mall all together.

I told you I have turned into a snob!

I often wonder why I have a membership at the Y when it is a “family friendly” gym.  I should take my business elsewhere.  I don’t have a family and most days I don’t feel like being friendly.

Sheesh…I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Yesterday when I got to the Y and worked my way upstairs I saw all these teens on the track.  I remember this group from a few weeks ago.  I think it is a tri-group as they all have wet hair while they are running laps, doing cross training moves, and taking up as much space as humanly possible for teens that are pretty tiny to begin with.  I almost turned around and walked out.  I wasn’t in the mood to put up with a bunch of kids last night.

However, I had already had my caffeine (exercise motivation after my workday) and I needed to get in some miles for the week.  So I decided to channel my frustration into my workout.

Yeah, that didn’t help.  I was just pissed off the whole time.

I hate kids.

Okay, not really but sometimes they annoy me.

Wish I could go back to bed and perhaps wake up on the right side this time.

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