

"She Wore An Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"

Several years ago my brother, my sister Katie, and I were going to spend the day at our local water park Roaring Springs.  Katie was worried about wearing her swimsuit in public.  My brother gave her some very wise words that I still use to this day,

“You won’t be the fattest person at the pool.”

Ain’t that the truth!

I thought about this when I took my nieces to the YMCA to swim last week.  I also had to give myself a pep talk when I took my first water aerobics class.

I have been in a bathing suit several times since I lost my weight.  Despite losing 130 pounds and keeping almost all if it off for just about five years, I don’t have a perfect body.  There is a lot of excess around my legs and arms.  To others at the pool, the beach, etc I am sure I don’t look really fantastic in my swimsuit.  But I don’t care.

I feel okay wearing my swimsuit in public.  I strut around with as much confidence I can muster because I know what I used to look like before I joined WW.  While I am in NO WAY ever going to be signing up to strut my stuff on stage at a Miss America contest, I am also not the fattest person at the pool.

In just a little over a week, I’ll be wearing my swimsuit on the sunny beaches of Hawaii with not a single care in the world other than sunscreen!

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