

The Year I Learned The Truth About The Big Guy In The Red Suit

I blame my brother.

If it hadn’t been for him I could have held onto my childhood innocence just a little longer before learning the real truth about the big guy in the red suit.

I was eight years old.  My brother was occupying the upstairs bedroom (we have a large house with bedrooms both upstairs and downstairs) and we arranged for me to sleep on the top bunk of his bunk beds.  It was Christmas Eve.

Just before we fell asleep my brother asked me if I could hear the noise outside his bedroom door.  I could also see the light on in the hallway.  He told me the noise I was hearing was Mom and Dad.  They were getting our presents wrapped and placed under the tree.  They were also filling our stockings with lots of little toys, gum, candy, and personal hygiene products (didn’t you also get toothbrushes and deodorant in your Christmas stocking?).  He explained that Santa didn’t really exist and that it was just Mom and Dad pretending to be him.  They ate the cookies and carrots that were left for Santa and Rudolph and they left the thank you notes among the cookie crumbs and partially eaten carrot.

It was all a hoax.

I was devastated.  I tossed and turned all night worrying over this new knowledge I had just been given that I desperately wanted to give back.  I tossed and turned so much I fell off the top bunk…

…and woke up with a black eye.

Yep.  Try explaining that to Mom the next morning.  And to make matters worse, I couldn’t say ANYTHING because I had to protect my little sister from learning this truth that now haunted me.

It made opening gifts a little tougher that year knowing that they had not actually been from Santa. 

*On a side note: I always wondered why Santa never filled Mom’s stocking.  The four of us would pool some of our goods and fill it for her.  Now I know why.*

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