

Wreath Decorating Contest

Last year our dispatch center entered into the door decorating contest held at work.  We used styrofoam cups to make a 3D snowman.  It was tons of fun!

This year HR decided to change it up and have a wreath decorating contest and raffle.  The catch this year is that you have to buy raffle tickets to vote for your favorite wreath.  The wreath with the most tickets wins and you get a chance to win the wreath.

We also had to name our wreath so we tied it in with ISP's 75th Anniversary and have titled our wreath: Spirit of Service for 75 Years.

I still really liked the cup idea so after a quick google search we were onto some really great ideas.  Everybody pitched in ideas and last Friday a few of us worked on the wreath.  I am VERY happy with how it turned out!  **Edited to add: Our wreath, sadly, did not win**

We actually cut the cups to make more of a fringe look.

Now, if I can only get the troopers to swing by and vote for our wreath!  It isn’t about winning but I sure like to.  Here are some of the other wreaths that other officers have put together.

This one is made with gift cards!  What a great idea.  I am sure it will get lots of votes.  I heard last year they made one with loto tickets.  There are five gift cards, I assume $5 each, one for Dairy Queen, Subway, Starbucks, Wendy's, and Sonic.

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