

A Small Dose Of Motivation

I posted on the WW message boards on our 100+ Maintainers thread that I seem to be low on motivation these days.  I think my motivation just comes and goes.  Some days meal planning is easy.  Some days it feels like a struggle and I just don’t want to do it.

My very wise WW buddies came through with some really great motivation thoughts and quotes.  Regina posted several from her Basic Wisdom Thread on 12/24,

“The new WW kit (like last year’s) includes a workbook. One chapter discusses motivation. It explains that motivation is not an ‘on or off’ situation, but rather is more like a circle. At the top (12:00), you are very motivated. At th15 (3:00) on the circle, you are losing some motivation. At the 30 (6:00), slowing down even more.   At the 45 (9:00), really not very motivated…and then you can go back up to the top of the circle and be highly motivated again.”

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”  
                                                                           ― Jim Rohn

“I don't see motivation as binary - it's a continuum.

If I had to pick an analogy, I'd say the relationship between motivation and my weight is like a seesaw. As my motivation goes down, my weight goes up. Conversely, as my weight goes down my motivation goes up.

Also, motivation is an external driver - it's not within my control. I prefer to rely on commitment and determination, which are more within my control.”

“I think motivation is one of three elements that need to be in place for success: Motivation, Determination, and Results. If we have Motivation (the reason to do it) and Determination (actually doing it) and we don't see any Results, then Motivation and Determination will eventually take a hit. I do believe that all three elements need to be in play as a three pronged web to see us through.”


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