

After Vacation WI

My after vacation WI wasn't pretty! But I knew I needed to get on the scale. I skipped the scale at my meeting and instead just did my WI on my home scale. I gained 10 pounds! Whoops.

I am now 193 and this is the highest maintenance weight I have ever been. It is scary and motivating at the same time.

It is difficult having so much food at your disposal. The pastries on the ship really did get the best of me this go round. I like the food on Norwegian Cruise Line and usually it is the muffins. Well this time I tried the croissant and they are just as yummy.

I did try to balance. Eggs and protein for breakfast and often a chicken dish for dinner. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. I started off with large salads for lunch, among some other foods, but then pretty soon I was salad-ed out. One day we got back to the ship later than planned as we got stuck in traffic on the bus and I was starving. I had many pieces of pizza that day.

Our dinners were often in the dining room which is helpful for portion control. Yes, you can order multiple dishes but I only ordered an appetizer and a salad not double the entree or dessert. The bread basket didn't help either.

There were many a desserts consumed and many days I was “stuffed” and uncomfortable. I just fell into “vacation and enjoy it mode” and I did enjoy it. Obviously a bit too much!

I plan to make small changes to my food intake to hopefully get some results. My back is quite sore so while I had planned to jump right back into activity that isn't quite realistic. Well at least not major activity.

Speaking of activity, we did log a lot of miles. I plan to do a FitBit post on that soon. I also have many more vacation posts and photos coming.

Bottom line is that I had fun. I never have a loss while on vacation and this vacation was no exception. I would like to hope eight of those 10 pounds is temporary but I suspect not. It is a lot easier sticking to the program when I don’t have so much food at disposal.

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