

Weekly WI

I was anxious and nervous for my WI this week.  My WW friend Dawny sent me this quote she found.

“Kill your scale. It’s ridiculous to measure your worth based on a number in a little box that you get on in the morning. It’s absolutely ridiculous. It has nothing to do with your worthiness. Nobody needs a reality TV show to be a healthy human being. And love yourself no matter what you weigh. If somebody comes up to you and tells you you’re fat or if somebody comes up to you and tells you your beautiful — that has absolutely nothing to do with who you are and everything to do with who they are. And remember that.”

I had eaten out quite a bit last week so I think that is why I was extra nervous.  Each time I ate out I was able to fit it into my 30 DPA and my 7 WPPA a day.  It just still makes me nervous to not know what the scale will show and if my hard work will be rewarded.

It was surprised to see it was!  I lost a full two pounds last week and am at a total loss of 3.4 pounds over the last three weeks.  Three losses in three weeks is also sweet!  I feel really good!!!
Actual weigh was 186.0


I give the scale too much power!

However, I am determined to continue my controlled eating and continue to watch the scale go down.

My leader asked me what I did differently this last week.  I didn’t do anything I haven’t been doing over the last three weeks.  I still ate my 30 DPA.  I still ate 7 WPPAs most days.  I also didn’t eat my APs except for four on Tuesday as I was out of DPA, WPPAs, and it was the end of my week.  So, for me another successful week!

My new week has begun and I am back at it: Planning, pre-planning, pre-tracking, and staying in control.

More on this tomorrow.

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