


At the end of each of our WW meetings there is always a quote shared.

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
            Andre Gide, French Author and Nobel Prize winner

The meeting topic last week was trying out a new activity and I think anybody will agree it takes courage to step out of your comfort zone.

But isn't that true for most of life?

It is natural to resist change. Change is scary. Change is unfamiliar. Change often times is uncomfortable. Of course nobody wants to step out of that nice little bubble they feel safe in.

In order to grow as a person we must have the courage to step outside of that bubble. Where would we be if Christopher Columbus didn't have the courage to lose sight of the shore?

Think about this the next time you are afraid to try something new. There is a sense of empowerment when we conquer new things. Find the courage to make that leap.

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