

Unplanned Rest Day

Good Afternoon.  I’m sorry I am so late today.  I didn’t have a blog post ready to go ahead of time so today I am blogging in real time.

Yesterday was a rough day.  My back was really hurting so I ended up taking an unplanned rest day from activity.  My back start bugging me on Thursday.  I only walked 2 miles on the treadmill before calling it quits.  I just wasn’t feeling it.  Besides my back I was also feeling tired and my legs felt like lead. 

This was supposed to be the week that I kicked it into gear and try for a good size loss.  I have no food events this week and nothing planned that would need me to eat a large amount of PPVs.  I have been relying on my activity to create the deficit I need to lose weight so it was really bumming me out when I wasn’t feeling well.

Not exercising yesterday was twice as tough because the sun was out and it was beautiful.  But I knew I needed to rest and so I rested.  I was a bit depressed though.

I had plans to eat at SouperSalad for clam chowder Friday and I was also thinking I would get some frozen yogurt with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.  I decided I would still have that, as planned, even though I wouldn’t be getting in my walk to/from SouperSalad as I had also planned.  To my horror, there was NO CLAM CHOWDER!  It was a very sad day and the first time this has ever happened.  When I went back up for a soup refill she said it would be 20 minutes for clam chowder but I couldn’t really wait.  So I just had a second bowl of Italian Wedding Soup.  It is also a favorite because I love the little mini meatballs.


Since I wasn’t going to log any formal activity I walked from SouperSalad to Sally’s Beauty Supply for some hair product and then to USwirl for from frozen yogurt.  My favorite NSA Preline Pecan is back and I had a small amount with some Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.  I wanted to get a little heavy handed with the yogurt pour but knew I only needed a few bites to satisfy my taste buds.  It ended up that I could have even put in less Reese’s but that is always a tough decision!

This yogurt only cost me just under $3.  I have never paid that little for yogurt so that just goes to show how tiny of a yogurt pour it was!  I am impressed with myself.  I love the Spring looking cups.

I’m glad I took my unplanned rest day yesterday because my back does feel better today.  I headed outside on foot in an attempt to soak up some sun.  It was bit windy and the sun was hit/miss but I got in an hour of walking and 4 APs.  I’ll actually hit 10,000 steps today too!

I was feeling really depressed yesterday, however, I am glad I pushed through. I could have drowned my sorrows in food or yogurt but instead I stuck to my original plan and didn’t let my emotions derail me from my plan.  I do need these APs to help continue to lose but I also need to know when my body says to rest that I just need to rest.

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