

Weekly Weigh-In And Mood Swings

 I’m not really sure where to start this blog post and I feel like my head is all over the place.  I had a gain this week.  My losing streak over the last seven weeks has come to an end.  I was prepared for a gain a week ago after all my St. Patty’s Day festivities.  I wasn’t quite prepared for a gain this week.
Actual weight was 185.4
I can’t let how I’m feeling, the number on the scale, or the fact that my losing streak ended, overshadow the successful weekend I had.  I did really great on our anniversary weekend/trip out of town.  If I had not refocused eight weeks ago I would have gone crazy out of a control and my gain of 0.8 pounds on Tuesday would have been 5 pounds easily.

I won’t allow myself to lose focus of that fact.  I treated my weekend a lot differently than I have in the past.  I limited my eating out to one meal a day on Friday and Saturday.  I didn’t have huge sugary desserts every day.  I saw lots of yummy pastries I didn’t indulge in.  We got in a lot of walking.  I kept up with my exercise at home.  I talked myself out of eating out again when we got home.  There are many positives.

My first thought when I saw I had gained was “well, I guess 185 is just where I’m going to be right now.”  But I don’t want to be at 185.  I still want to lose and I still want to get back to goal.  I want my pants to fit better and also my summer clothes to fit better.  I need to stay focused and keep working on losing some excess weight.  It comes down to the fact that I am eating too many PPVs.  With my party/events lately I have eaten over my WPPAs and used my APs.  I have been in the negative for the last two weeks so it is no surprise that I had a gain, even if I wasn’t prepared for it.

We had an interesting talk in our meeting about weight and women and the men who can sabotage their efforts.  Sometimes love gets confused with food and really it isn’t only men that do this.  We have one man in our group.  I shared this funny I found on Facebook.
Donald, our only male member, laughed and then shared there was a woman at his work that has lost 40 pounds.  We all cheered.  Donald said he could compliment her on her loss but the reason for dropping the weight is because she has pancreatic cancer.  Wow.  It really puts things into perspective.  We want to lose weight and we want to look good in our clothes but really health is the only important factor in weight loss/maintenance.  The rest really is just vanity.

So, I have no reason to be upset, although my feelings are valid.  I will push past this.  I’ll reign in my food and not having party/events is obviously going to help make that goal easier.

Even though I am carrying around an extra 10 pounds it isn’t the extra 130 pounds that I carried around for so many years.  If I have to put with these 10 pounds a little longer than so be it.

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