is always a quote shared at the end of our WW meeting. I really liked this quote.
Good health is not something we can buy.
However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.
~Anne Wilson Schaef
~Anne Wilson Schaef
If you
think about how important a money savings account is you quickly realize how
important a health savings account would be.
I’m not talking about your flexible spending account offered through
your employer. I’m talking about
building up good health to last you a lifetime.
I try
to put any extra overtime money into my money savings account and I really like
to see the balance build. After all that
money is extra travel money. However, I
have had to dip into my savings account from time to time and lately I’ve
really been dipping into it a lot because I seem to like to overspend!
like my money savings account I have built up a really great health savings account.
I no longer take cholesterol medication
I can walk several miles and even run if
my life depended on it
I only visit the doctor for my annual
check up
I can get up off the ground with ease
I can buckle the seatbelt on the plane and
not spill over in the seat
I can cross my legs again
I don’t worry if my seasonal clothes
will fit from year to year
If I was to think long and hard I am sure there are many
more things I’ve added to my health savings account through the years. I have many tools also put away to help me
when I get stuck or frustrated. I rely
on these tools just like I rely on my money savings account to bail me out on
One of our meeting members brought up how much less
she spends towards her medical deductable now that she doesn’t have to go to
the doctor as much. That is a huge win
in my book!
Are you building your health savings account?
That is really a good way to look at it!