

Proper Ammunition and Right Aim

Success comes from having the proper aim as well as the right ammunition.

This quote is written on the board at my WW meeting.

What does having the proper aim mean to you?  What does having the right ammunition mean to you?

For me having the right ammunition means having the foods on hand for healthy meals and snacks.  I am better prepared for my work week and staying on track is much easier when I plan ahead.  My coworkers eat out often and while I have no trouble already spending plenty of money, packing my meals from home helps reduce that extra expense.  Since Kenyon and I enjoy eating out on our days off I want to save my money, and my calories, for that time. 

For me having the proper aim means following through with what is needed to ensure those foods are ready to go when my work week starts.  I have been pushing off grocery shopping until after payday and so my meals lately have been….interesting.  I know we have plenty of food at home I just need to get creative.  Since there is a lack of fresh veggies my meals as of late have been void of that important healthy guideline.  I need to make sure I plan better and actually do the grocery shopping so I am getting in all my healthy foods.

For me having the proper ammunition means I need to be tracking my food.  Having the proper aim means I need to be tracking that food properly and using my resources when I eat out.  If I don’t know the PPVs I need to do my best guess.  It is tempting to be careless when I don’t know the PPVs of a food.

For me having the proper aim means I need to be keeping active.  Having the proper ammunition means staying motivated and focused.  This has been a struggle lately.

Success is important in weight loss and maintenance.  Make sure you are setting yourself up in positive ways to make hitting that target much easier.


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