

Thrive Idaho Program

I received some information in the mail about a program through my health insurance called Thrive Idaho.  I have heard one of our benefits ladies in HR talking about the launch of this program few months ago.  AT that time it seemed so complicated.  Thrive Idaho is a program designed to help encourage state employees to get healthy/stay healthy by offering a money incentive.  If you complete the requirements and earn enough points, Blue Cross of Idaho will send you $250 dollars.  Since our fiscal year just started I have until April 30, 2015 to complete the requirements.

I’m intrigued…

The first step is to ask your doctor to complete a health qualification form during your preventive care visit.  It just so happens I have my appointment scheduled in August.  It also looks like I will meet all but one requirement.

·        Patient is tobacco-free - check

·        Blood pressure is less than 140/90 – check.  Never had an issue with blood pressure

·        Total cholesterol is less than 200 or HDL is greater than 40 (male) and 50 (female) and Triglycerides are less than 150 - based on my 2013 test I meet both qualifications.  I will need to get re-tested for 2014

·        Weight (measured by BMI) is less than 28 or waist is less than 35 (female) and 40 (male) - unfortunately I won’t meet this requirement

·        Blood sugar FBS is less than 110 or A1c is less than 5.8 if non-diabetic – I will need to get this checked but I assume I can meet this requirement.  As far as I know I’ve never had an issue but I don’t think it has ever been checked

If I can successfully pass all but the weight requirement of this questioner I will earn 40 points.

The next step is to complete an online personal health assessment.  I am having trouble signing into the online portal system.  I am working on getting this figured out.

You must take advantage of a workshop or support program such as a health coaching or a walking challenge.  I am waiting to learn more on what my options are.

You must view an education video.  This sounds like it will be both fun and informative.

In order to get the $250 reward I have to earn between 85-100 points.  If I complete all of the above requirements, minus the weight one on the questioner, then I will have earned 90 points.  Yeah!

I also hope to learn some fun stuff in the process.  I love learning about health and fitness.  The information that came in the mail also had some great stuff on overall health that I will share with you.  Check back for updates!

For more information and to see if your insurance offers something similar, check with your insurance provider.  If you are a Blue Cross of Idaho member you can start by logging into the member portal at

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