

What Does Clean Eating Look Like To You?

I have dubbed this week Operation Clean Eating.

After the last few weeks of less-than-stellar food choices, I knew I needed to clean up my eating.  What I love about WW is that each week you get a fresh start and a brand new week to eat clean.  Now, you shouldn’t wait until the new week begins to start fresh.  We all know that can turn really bad really quick.  But we are human and that still happens.

I wanted to eat clean this week because I needed to make some changes.  If I keep eating the same foods I have been eating and not seeing the weight loss I desire, than I need to change something.  In order to expect a different outcome I have to do something different.  Therefore, Operation Clean Eating was adopted.

So, how’s it going?  I’d say pretty well.  I've stayed within my DPA most days and have been using my APs before my WPPAs.  I have also exercised four days in a row this week.

Clean eating can be defined differently by each person.  Just because I feel I am working hard at eating clean that might not jive with what somebody else thinks.  I am always open to discussion and/or advice on my eating.  You guys see most of what I eat.  I don’t omit a photo because I don’t want it on the blog.  Sure, I don’t blog about all the food I eat but I am honest with myself and with you.

My goal for clean eating is to focus on Power Foods.  Power Foods are the WW term for foods that are good for you.  Power Foods are minimally processed and often whole foods with the best nutrients.  The problem is trying to incorporate Power Foods but not get into a ruck of just eating a protein and two or three veggies at each meal.  I can get bored really quick.

I am also reducing my sugar.  I have a sweet tooth and often want some sort of dessert after meals.  I have been eating two to four Hershey Kisses to help with this but then I’ve also been having sugar or dessert on days off.  I have also let boredom at work turn into eating Sweettarts and Gobstoppers.  I am working hard this week to reduce the overall sugar consumption.  I can’t go without.  That would create a major binge at the end of my week.  I’m trying to stay very mindful.

I had planned to share some meals with you but I keep forgetting to take photos!  I did take a photo of my breakfast a few days ago so I could show how to ramp up your food volume with the addition of veggies.

I cooked 95 grams of frozen diced potatoes in 2 tsp of olive oil.  In the pan this serving looks a little sad and tiny.  When I add one whole chopped red pepper and two chicken breakfast sausages, it instantly doubles my portion size.  Plus I am getting in a veggie with my breakfast.

I topped my potatoes with one egg and one egg white and added some grapes to the side.  I have also FINALLY perfected my Starbucks-at-home iced Americano.  Yaaaahhhhooo!

Onward I go!

1 comment:

  1. im SUPER proud of you for realizing that if you want something to change, you have to do something different.

    a LOT easier said than done, and I commend you for embracing this!

    CONGRATS on FINALLY perfecting the starbucks.. inquiring minds wanna know?! =-)

    Good luck on your adventures of reducing sugar, im too working on it, again, not easy..

    but we will get there.. baby steps.. PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION
