

What I Ate Today (Monday)

Monday was designated to eating out at a new-to-me restaurant called MoMo: Food of the Himalayas. 

My coworkers have been to MoMo’s several times and I have had a taste here and there.  I was feeling like eating out and I wanted to try MoMo’s.  I did some pre-planning and found NI online.  I had some options in mind and when I arrived there before work to place our order I was able to make my final decision.

I have to say I was NOT impressed with the service at MoMo’s.  I am not sure if the guy behind the counter was just having a bad day or what.  I was really upset and vowed I would not be back.  This really tainted the experience of enjoying my food.  I was super psyched for MoMo’s all Sunday night and even Monday before I went to pick it up.  In just a short moment that stupid guy totally ruined my experience and I was fuming as I drove to work.  I am hoping this was a one-time issue and that every experience won’t be like that.  I know my coworker said it has never happened.  The food is very good so I’ll chalk it up to a bad day and I will visit again.

I’ll back up to before MoMo’s.  My day started with my usual eggs, potatoes, pepper, and turkey smoked sausage.  Ignore the grapes.  This is an old photo.  Sadly, I ate all the grapes already.
MoMo’s is known for their dumplings.  They are steamed and filled with fresh meats and veggies.  I had decided on getting 10 MoMo dumplings with no additional side items.  I got five of the veggie, four  of the turkey, and one pork.  I really like the turkey dumplings.  The veggie were pretty good and I would get them again.  It is 12 PPVs for an order of 10 turkey and 9 PPVs for an order of veggies.  I think next time I will again get a mix of veggie and turkey.  If I get five of each it is 10 PPVs.  That way I also get the protein from the turkey.  I brought carrots from home along with sour cream ranch dip.  I dipped my dumplings in the medium-spicy sauce.  They have medium-spicy and spicy variety.  It was very filling and super delicious.  Poor service was redeemed by good food.

It was a coworker’s birthday celebration so we planned chocolate cream pie.  It was from Shari’s and it was delicious.  I looked up the NI the night before and figured out the PPVs.  When it came time to eat my little sliver I wasn’t super impressed by the crust.  Instead of eating that I just ate the yummy chocolate pudding filling and whip cream.  It was really good.

My next meal was chicken taco salad.  I had this earlier in the week too but had forgotten to take a photo.  3 oz shredded chicken, 120 grams pinto beans, and a pepper cooked in olive oil.  I seasoned the chicken with taco seasoning and green chile salsa.  I topped my salad with a mix of sour cream and salsa.

My morning snack was also a repeat.  6 oz non-fat Green yogurt mixed with lemon curd and huckleberry jam.  Really good combo.

I am sad to admit I partook in some boredom eating at work. 

I was craving carbs big time when I got home so I popped some popcorn with olive oil.

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