

Funny & Random Sunday

I don't have much for content on this Sunday. I am pretty boring these days. I thought I would share some of my Facebook funny finds and some random photos.


If you change the word t-shirt to metals...I am so there!

I have joined the Pumpkin Spice craze and seem to have become addicted. GULP! I tried a decaf Americano with three pumps Pumpkin Spice sauce (two pumps in the hot drinks), three Splenda, and a little cream. Oh my. It is delicious both hot and cold. I describe this drink as “richer tasting.” I am not sure if is the full sugar syrup or what but it just is very creamy and rich. Usually I can't drink the whole drink in on setting. Well, I could but don't feel I need to. Regardless, it is yummy and I see my pocket book getting smaller this fall season.

This is the hibiscus flower at Jamie's house. She said the whole bush opened up and bloomed recently. I do love fall but you can't deny spring/summer is beautiful.

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