

Happy Halloween

I have always loved Halloween.  Halloween is the one day of the year you can be anybody you want to be.  I love dressing up and I loved when I was younger going trick-or-treat to get loads of candy.  As an adult when I am not working Halloween I love to be home so I can answer the door and see all the cute kiddo costumes…and eat some fun-size candy bars.  Halloween rocks!

I wish I had thought to scan some old Halloween costume photos to share with you.  Maybe I’ll still do that this weekend.  Sort of an after-thought throw-back photo session.

This year I am working Halloween and while I wasn’t able to get my whole team to buy into a group costume idea I knew I wanted to dress up.  The goal at work is usually to find something that allows you to wear jeans.  We rarely have the opportunity to wear jeans at work so you gotta take the opportunity when you can.  I actually found my costume idea online when I was looking for glasses to go with my new witch hat.  Instead, I found a better idea.

Yep…I am a police officer dispatching police officers today.  Ha!

Kenyon suggested adding the donut.  He thought I needed a prop.  I am so glad I did.  

I love Halloween.

Have a safe and fun Halloween with you and your family.

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