

Happy Turkey Day!!!


My nieces were crafty.  Here is your Thanksgiving turkey

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

I hope it is filled with family time, food, and love.

If you are trottin’ this weekend, enjoy the activity.

If you are travelin’ this weekend, drive safe.

I went out to my Mom’s house before work.  I enjoyed my time with family and also seeing my nieces.



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After dinner Brandon got out the Christmas tree and the girls helped decorate.  This is actually a tree that my Grandma and Grandpa Amos put up in their Melba house years ago.


I enjoyed the yummy Thanksgiving dinner, with all the traditional dishes.  Dessert was unpictured.  I went for some cherry crumble with whip cream.  I packed some leftover turkey and saved my dinner roll for work tonight. Turkey sandwich here I come!

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