

When The WW Gods Speak But You Don't Like What They Have To Say

There have been many times over the last eight years WW Gods have spoken and saved me from consuming something of a high PPV value that is probably not the best time to having it.  Thursday I really just didn’t want to listen!

My day started with Jamie picking me up for a mall walk.  I had been to Great Harvest earlier in the week and got two loaves of bread on a 2 for 1 coupon so I could give some to Jamie and keep a few slices for myself.  I have been craving carbs and bread sounded delicious.  When I made my purchase I finished filling up the last of my punch card and now had a free loaf available.  I was thinking I might return on Thursday and pick up a loaf of their whole wheat cinnamon bread, that I would also split with Jamie.

Since I was craving carbs (big time) I wasn’t sure that getting cinnamon bread was the best idea.  Jamie helped talk me into it and we headed to Great Harvest.  They don’t usually have bread ready that early so this was the first time that day the WW Gods spoke to me.  I could have just turned around and walked out.  But I really wanted cinnamon bread.  They offered to hold a loaf for a later pick up, so we put our name down for a loaf and headed to the mall for our walk.

I was very happy.  I really wanted cinnamon bread.

Jamie had a second meet up planned with another friend at 11am so I gave her the free punch card to pick up the bread and bring the loaf to my house when she was done.  This was the second time that day the WW Gods were speaking to me.  Jamie can lose track of time easily when it comes to chatting with friends.  I knew I shouldn’t have given her the free punch card since that would mean that I wouldn’t be able to pick up the bread if her meet up didn’t end at the planned time.  I had not heard from Jamie before I had to leave for Nampa so I decided I would not be able to have yummy cinnamon bread and instead she could just pick up the loaf and take it home to enjoy with her family.

I was quite sad.  I still really wanted cinnamon bread.

Jamie called while I was having lunch at Cracker Barrel having saying she had got the times mixed up and though she had until 2pm to deliver the loaf of bread.  I told her if she had not yet picked up the bread that we can just wait until next week.  She was instant that she pick-up the bread since I really wanted it (and I did really want it).  I told her to have Great Harvest cut the loaf in half, bag them separate, and leave half at my door.

I was happy again.  I really wanted cinnamon bread.

A short time later I got another call from Jamie.  She said she got to Great Harvest and they didn’t have any cinnamon bread.  She told them we had a loaf set aside for us.  They clarified that they had no cinnamon bread at all as the batch had been messed up and it was a total loss.  This is the third time that day the WW Gods were speaking to me.

I was quite sad…again.  I really, really wanted cinnamon bread.

The hardest part of the WW Gods looking out for me is that I still wanted that sweet taste the cinnamon bread was going to provide.  Obviously by not having the half loaf meant I couldn’t eat more than just one slice.  And there will be another day to have cinnamon bread, assuming the batch doesn’t get messed up again.

I’ll tell ya, what are the odds of that?  I sure was not meant to have cinnamon bread yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. this is SUPER awesome, makes me giggle, and I love it, I love your analogy, AND i love that the gods were indeed looking out for you =-)

    however.. cinnamon bread.. sounds.. AMAAAAZZZING just saying.. LOL
