

Set Backs And Detours

It was a good WW meeting today, as I expected it would be and why I wanted to make sure I went to a meeting. I checked out the leader at the Meridian location. She is okay. It is a good meeting group but small and older women. That is the norm for morning and afternoon meetings. I think I'll check out the location near my house next Wednesday. I also have the option of driving across town for a meeting on Thursday as well. I'll see if I can find a new temporary home while I am on night shift.

The topic today was No Going Back and talked about set-backs and how you don't just quit because you had a rough day/week/month/year. Boy ain't that the truth. I had planned to just sit back and observe but then I joined in the conversation and pretty soon I was crying. Sheesh! My WW meetings really are like mini therapy sessions. It was a good group though and very nice and supportive. Just not sure I mesh well with the leader.

They started the meeting off with the weekly flip chart page.

I have heard many analogies though the years about calling it quits when things gets rough. This was a good one. We talked about GPS and if you miss your turn the GPS doesn't just send you back home. It finds an alternate route, a detour, or at the very minimum has you “make a U-turn ahead.” Never is it suggested to just cancel you whole trip due to one minor error.

The same goes for weight loss and weight maintenance. We have to keep going forward even if that means we have taken two or three side streets to get there. Speed bumps will occur. The WW weekly said it best when it said it isn't a matter of IF it will occur but WHEN it will occur.

Try to plan ahead and know how you will get back on track after a minor setback. No setback is bad enough that you should think you should quit. Find a way to push past the emotion and keep on that path to success. 

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