

Fat Shamers

Last week there was an Ellen video circling Facebook of an interview with Kelly Clarkson.  She was discussing how she reacts to people who comment about her weight.  Fat Shamers are everywhere.  I don’t know why people have to be so harsh in their comments about weight.  I thought Kelly Clarkson said it best when she told Ellen it wasn’t anything new.  She has always struggled with her weight.

I haven’t watched The Biggest Loser in years but Kai Hibbard from season two is still one of my favorites.  Kai is always posting on her Facebook page that somebody else’s weight isn’t any of your business.  I understand that as a celebrity they are putting themselves into the light to be picked apart and judged but where do you draw the line?  I would hate being a celebrity (well except for the fancy vacations).

Yesterday I see numerous posts on Facebook about Pink being the new target of Fat Shamers and hater comments.  The photo that has sparked all this conversation is this one.


Do you know what I thought when I saw this photo?  I LOVE HER HAIR!

Pink oozes feminism and I absolutely love her for that.  Most of you might not know but before I met Kenyon I was a teeny bit of a man-hater.  And by teeny bit I mean a lot.  Pink was my idol.  She was strong, tough, super hot, and always had great hair.  And she is still all of those things.  I didn’t notice anything different about her weight.

I’ve been guilty of noticing and commenting on a person’s weight before.  You can’t live the WW lifestyle without talking about weight ALL THE TIME.  But even before I joined WW I would have conversations with my Mom, “I saw so-and-so.  She has put on weight.”  Or “I saw so-and-so and wow, she looks great.”  As women we notice other women’s appearance.  Just like a woman can have bad hair day she can also have a bad fat day (or month…or year….)

If people think Pink is fat, well then I must be an elephant.  I’m not trying to condone negative self talk but come on people…she is BEAUITFUL.  I’ve have saved a copy of this photo so I can show my hair dresser how I want the front of my hair cut next time.  Her hair is seriously wesome.

You keep being that amazing female you already are Pink.  Like the famous words of Dr. Seuss:

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