

Vacation Time!!!!

Kenyon and I are headed to New Mexico for a few days.  Yeeehaaaw.  Hello Vacation!

My Aunt Barb (my mom’s sister) moved to New Mexico last year.  Barb’s daughter Megan and her twin boys will be in New Mexico visiting Barb so Kenyon and I decided to make a quick trip down as well.  I have not yet met the twins since they don’t live in Idaho and they are now almost five years old!

After Grandma A passed away both Megan and my sister Katie had babies.  The twins, Max and Henry, are one month older than Emma.  I had planned to visit Megan, her husband Peter, and the boys when we go to New York next year so I am glad we get to see them sooner.

We will also visit my in-laws who are also in New Mexico.  It will be a quick trip but we will get to do some touristy things such as riding the tram up to the top of Sandia Mountain where Kenyon and I were married seven years ago.  We have not been back up since our wedding.  I am super excited.

So far now, I am leaving on a jet plane.  Don’t know when I’ll check in again. 

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