

A Farmer's Market Saturday

Welcome to the weekend.

It was so nice to be able to visit the Farmer's Market today. I met up with Mark at Flying M coffee where we got our liquid gold and continued on our way.

I was in search for the yummy roasted red pepper and olive tapenade spread I feel in love with last year. She ended up being moved to a different location but we found her!

I also found other stuff to by. I had just been to my WW meeting this morning and a gal shared that she got some salt grinders with added spices that she loves to use when cooking. I happened to find their booth so I picked up their Farmer's Market trio. I've used a couple so far and they are pretty good. I can't say it spiced up my food a ton. I might need to experiment more.

I also got some cream cheese. I am not sure why I decided to purchase this as I really don't use much cream cheese. It is made from 100% cheese vs cream like traditional cream cheese.

Kenyon and I sampled my Farmer's Market purchased this afternoon.

Mark and I walked 3 miles today. It was nice to get some steps in. I got my nails done and then took a nap since Kenyon was sleeping. I slept for 2 hours! I hope I can fall asleep tonight!!

I am meeting up with Rebecca to see “The Last Ride” tonight at the cheap seats. I see movie popcorn in my future....

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