

Busy Week Ahead

Hello and Happy Wednesday.

It is the start of my WW week and this week is set to be a busy one.

Today: 12-hour shift at work and then Emma’s pre-school graduation/potluck and Hailey’s birthday celebration.

Thursday: Ladies Happy Hour with my friends after work.  Girl time, food, and cocktails!

Friday: Reunion planning committee meeting in Murphy after work. 

Saturday:  WW meeting, Farmer’s Market with Mark (Flying M Coffee for sure and maybe lunch), and a nail appointment.

Whew!  The other half the equation is my schedule and Kenyon’s schedule overlaps so I won’t really see him until Saturday morning.  (insert sad face here)

I’ll be working hard to keep my food in check this week.  I am not sure how much of it will be SF vs. counting PPVs.  Tracking will be key along with planning some lower PPV meals.  I have no idea when I will have time to carve out some activity. 


I’ll need to ramp it up come Saturday and Sunday for sure!

I hope your Wednesday is off to a great start.

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