

Girls Day Out

I was contacted on Monday about helping out with the training section at ISP today. They were going to show Field Sobriety Testing, the test administrated when a person is pulled over for Driving Under the Influence to prosecutors attending a conference on campus. My coworker Ian and I were all set to be the “drinkers” but than Ian wasn't able to attend anymore. I scrambled last minute and was able to wrangle my sister Katie and her boyfriend Keith into being the “drinkers”. I was the Designated Driver and also the Designated Babysitter while they helped with this training.

After dropping Katie and Keith off, Emma and I headed to the car wash for a much needed watch. Avacardo was really dirty from my trip to Murphy yesterday...bugs everywhere! I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use Emma to my advantage and I had her vacuum the car. Okay, I confess. I helped too.

We headed to Kuna to wait for Hailey to get out of school. We got in our walk by going on foot. We killed time on the swings.

Once we walked back to Katie's house the three of us girls, along with Hailey's friend Tory, walked to Arctic Circle for an ice cream treat. Emma hit me up for a treat as soon as I picked her up today so I knew we would end up somewhere.

As soon as we got back to Katie's house I got the call the “drinkers” we ready to be picked up. They had a good time. We went to Texas Roadhouse so they could get something into the belly that wasn't just alcohol or energy drinks. I didn't eat since Kenyon would be off work soon and I thought I could meet him for dinner. I balanced out my sugar indulgence with Cracker Barrel's Turkey Dinner Thursday. was delicious!

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