

Don't Forget The Sunscreen

It was a great day today on our reunion/celebration field trip. Today we visited the original Joyce homesteads:

Long Valley
Josephine Ranch
Florence Springs Ranch
Box T Ranch

The day started out a bit late as we were not quit organized with our van pick up. We rented two 15 passenger vans for anybody that wanted to ride along vs drive themselves. We had oversold the vans but yet not everybody showed up. We did some creative shuffling thinking we could return one van but then a few more showed up. Needless to say, our day started a bit later than planned but thankfully nobody was really upset.

I drove one of the vans and being the first time I have driven such a large vehicle, I'd say I did pretty well. Nobody got hurt and the van was returned in one piece!

Here are a few photos from our day.

I seemed to have forgotten a spot when I put on my sunscreen.

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