

Wednesday Musings

Good Morning.  Happy Hump Day!

Waking up at 4am is always harder the second day.  I had the opportunity to go to bed early last night but instead I stayed up and watched TV.  The second season of “Married At First Sight” has ended and last night was the six month reunion show.  I’m only through Part 1 and it is a good reunion show.  I also got “The Bachelorette” watched yesterday as afternoon.  I am sort of irritated that each show is To Be Continued.  It is really annoying!  Our Kuna guy is still on the show but it isn’t looking good for him.  I never really saw her picking him to begin with.  It sure is an interesting season that is for sure!

After work I had to get my broken nail repaired so I grabbed an iced coffee to tide me over.  I went to Maui Wowi where they give you an umbrella.  I gotta say that sure makes coffee much more fun.

It was hard to stick to my plan of going home and eating last night but I did.  Kenyon was out and about and I wanted to suggest meeting up for dinner.  When I am focused on Simply Filling (SF) it makes thinking about food choices easier.  If we had gone out then I would have had to go back and count my whole day of food and I much prefer doing SF instead of counting PPVs right now.  So I headed home and baked a chicken breast in the oven with BBQ sauce while I cooked a corn cob and warmed some green beans on the stove.  Easy peasy.

I am craving sweets big time and I am trying really hard to keep it at bay right now.  I need a break from all the crap I’ve been eating these last few weeks.  I felt very unsatisfied and hungry all night last night.  I had two super sweet and juicy oranges after I got off work and finally had a few squares of a Hershey bar after my dinner.  That was enough to get me over the hump.  I am not avoiding sweets I just need a little bit of a break right now.  I don’t feel I am doing myself justice if I don’t make changes and stick to those changes.

So far the activity is very low this week.  I do want to ramp that up but in the mean time I am happy with my food and would like to keep my focus on my food.  The scale is coming down each day so I am happy about that!

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