

Mid-Week Check-In

Good Morning and welcome to the mid-week check in.

I am about to get my work week started. This week should be the end of part one of phase one of training. I need to check in with my trainer when I get to work today but I think I am looking good to move onto the second part of this training phase. I will still be answering non-emergency phones for the next four weeks, I'll just have a different trainer. It also happens to be that my new trainer is on this same shift so my workdays/days off won't change. I'll have new days for my sort and long days and I'll have to wake up at 3:45am for three days of the week instead of just two. Have I confused you all yet? My friends could never figure out my ISP schedule and this Nampa one seems more confusing. However, if you are on the “inside” like I am, I totally get it. I guess that is all that matters.

These last three weeks have gone well. It is very overwhelming at times and also frustrating at times. I still am 100% sure this was the right move, even when I am doubting my abilities. It is really hard to know part of a job but not be able to fully use those skills because you don't know the main computer system that runs the job. I also don't quite know all the day-to-day questions that come up on the non-emergency phone lines. All of that will come with time. My trainer keeps reminding me that I am doing okay and that I need to be less hard on myself. We ended Saturday on a really good note so I hope this week goes well too.

I really enjoy the hour fitness time I have each day at work and I have been exercising on days off as well. On Monday Jamie and I walked five miles and yesterday I mowed the lawn. I doubled the calorie burn goal for my Apple watch on Monday and yesterday I was able to get my activity app to show all three of my goals met. Success!

I've enjoyed a little bit of extras in my diet these last few days so I need to reign that back in. I've had an omelet and grapes for breakfast and my snack and lunch is packed for work. I also have my dinner idea planned out. I was sort of winging it this week with food so I could prevent a large grocery store trip. I'll see how creative I can get so I can avoid eating out! That wouldn't make sense if I didn't buy groceries and then spent money eating out. But, I've been silly many times before.

Okay, better wrap this up.

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