

A Quick Hello

Good Morning/Afternoon

I'm popping by for a quick hello. My day started with pancakes at Denny's and it is going to end with a meet up with some girlfriends for beers downtown. I think I'll throw in some activity and a salad bar for good measure and balance and then call it a day.

It was a stressful week at work. We were really busy on Friday and that meant not taking a lunch break or a workout break. Several of my calls were being questioned and it all felt very nit-picky. I was beyond friend by the time 6pm rolled around. Traffic was a nightmare on the drive home which did nothing for my already bad mood. Ugh!

I've also eaten out for the last several days and had more sweets this week than I'd like to admit. Once again, the scale isn't going to be happy with my fat ass this week. Don't worry, I am not really calling myself a fat ass. I'm just not really committed right now to weight loss. I've got some thoughts swirling in my head and I'll try and get it out on paper (i.e. the computer screen) on my days off.

Dawny comes to visit next weekend and we have the FitOne 10K walk. WhooooHoooo. I am also planning a wine party at my house. Should be a very enjoyable weekend.

Okay, that is all. Enjoy your Sunday.

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