

You Are Awesome!

I ended up with only a pound gain yesterday at my WW meeting. I was thinking it might be closer to two pounds so I was happy to see it was just one. I know what cause my gain and tracking is my number one priority this week. I know when I track my food choices are better and my indulgences are less frequent. I've also done some grocery shopping and meal planning to help myself be successful this week.

My new Apple Watch activity burn goal of 550 calories a day is also challenging me. I found it easier to get the calorie burn in yesterday as I had more hours in the day to do it vs Monday. I also combated the goal by walking a lot! Both Monday and Tuesday I have logged over 10,000 steps. Even when I was meeting my previous goal of 340 calories per day I wasn't meeting 10,000 steps. So perhaps this is what I need to be more active. The hardest part is still my full 12-hour workdays. I'll have to see how I can manage that this week. I know I'll try my best!

I've not been getting onto the scale at home each day or logging my weight the Happy Scale app. I find that I don't like seeing the number go up and the number change to red. Since I had not entered in a few days and knew I might be somewhere in a good range today since I didn't eat over my DPA yesterday, I got on the scale this morning. I was pleasantly surprised to see that while the scale was up slightly from the last time I logged my numbers that I am in the green for the last 30 days!

Since the Happy Scale app takes your average more into consideration vs just the little ups and downs, it can change the moving average over several days. In this case it is showing my weight was stable over the last seven days and it is down over the last 30 days. That was sure nice to see today! Despite having a pound gain at my WW meeting, overall, my average is still hanging in there. I should use this more and continue to weigh myself daily. It is just really hard to see the scale go up.

We had a pretty good meeting topic this week about positive affirmations and how being positive can help weight loss. We all know it is waaaaay to easy to get wrapped up in that scale number and the negative relationship that can form because of it. You must never forget that YOU ARE AWESOME!

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