

Happy Pre-Halloween

Good Afternoon and Happy Pre-Halloween.

I love Halloween but this year didn't have any plans. So I got together a small group to meet up for Messenger Pizza and beer at Pre-Funk tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to it. We had Messenger Pizza last week after our roller skating adventures and it was so delicious. I'm really looking forward to it.

I'm sure you can tell by now my eating is a bit off. I am fearful of the scale check-in on Tuesday as I know I have gained. I'm afraid to get on the scale here at home. I checked in with the scale last week sometime and was up slightly but still around the norm for my weight these days. It is tough knowing that the hard work and time you spent a few weeks ago is now gone and there is nothing to show for it. I put on a pair of old size 14 jeans a few days ago as the jeans I am currently wearing are in the wash. Yep, still a no-go.

Kenyon and I have been talking ourselves into eating out way more than eating in. Since we have our massages and stay at Anniversary Inn tonight we will eat out again. They serve you breakfast in the morning, which I am super excited about. Then tomorrow night is pizza and beer. I MUST get a plan in place for Sunday to clean up my diet and rev up the activity.

I'll pop in with a re-cap of our trip to Disney on Ice Frozen, our Anniversary Inn stay, and my Halloween get together. If you are celebrating today and/or tomorrow have a ton of fun and eat some candy for me.

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