

Back On Track & Tracking

Why does learning a new job feel so tough sometimes? I had a pretty good day but made a lot of little mistakes that just had me questioning why I made this change in the first place. I wish I could replace my new working environment with my old one and add in the easy flow of my old job. I hate feeling like I'm floundering. It isn't a very good feeling.

I was pretty well spent after my shift today and while I could have gone home to fix something I was craving veggies, but not a salad. Mongolian sounded good so I took myself out to dinner.

Last night I attended a Christmas program at my friend Howard's church after work. It was a mix of Charlie Brown's Christmas, the Grinch, and it also had a little bit of Ebenezer Scrooge. It was really cute and the kids did a fabulous job. Howard was the narrator and he also did a fabulous job. By the time I left it was snowing sideways so I was eager to get my grocery shopping and get home for the evening before the roads got bad. Surprisingly enough I didn't have any snow to shovel this morning and by the time I had to go to work the roads we're just fine. There was some people to the north of us that had some power outage hopefully that gets itself resolved soon. I am not a fan of winter weather!

I ended up eating out two nights in a row. I am happy to report that it is ALL TRACKED! I started tracking with the WW app on Sunday and counting Smart Points. I am finding the points for most foods I eat didn't change. A few went up and a few went down. Yesterday I used some of my WPPA but today I have two DPA left. I did the best I could estimating my Mongolian using the app. I have been taking my food to work and I plan to keep that up this week. I also looked up some new recipes to try. I made minestrone soup this morning and was able to get three servings from my pot with a SP value of 6.

The hardest part is the sugar/sweets craving. I'm eating a bit of extra fruit to combat my sweet tooth. At work this afternoon I was feeling the need for “something” but I had no idea what something I wanted. I was able to push past the craving and drank a lot of water.

I'm hoping that I can keep myself on track and stay diligent to this new program and my commitment to being re-focused again. It takes a lot of work to look up the SP on every food these days. But I'm going to do it.

Oh, one positive from today, I walked to the coffee shop during my workout hour today and only took $2 with me. That way even if I wanted a yummy ginger cookie from Flying M, I didn't have enough moey to buy one. It was good thinking as they DID have the cookies there. I was happy with my decision on how to tackle this teptation.

Oh, another positive note, Dawny sent me a new WW tracker. Yeah!

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