

Small Changes To Yield Big Results

I am sorry I didn’t check in yesterday.  I hope your work week is off to a good start.  I enjoyed my weekend but it is back at it for me today.  I have a happy hour event planned with my girlfriends after work.  Is it 4 o’clock yet?

I had a very productive day yesterday.  I went to my WW meeting and it was good to be back.  I was pretty quiet as it isn’t one of my favorite leaders but the leader is at least decent.  I got a bit upset thought when the leader talked about her recent dining out experience and that a piece of key lime pie at Kona Grill was 109 SPV!!!  Are you kidding me?  I don’t understand why we are being penalized so strongly for sugar and treats.  But, it is what it is and the purpose is so we make it an indulgence and not an everyday treat.  I highly doubt anybody would want to indulge in a 109 point piece of pie.  Ridiculous and if you ask me it is quite silly of WW to develop a program that increases the points on sugar so much.  But, moving on.

From there I went to Curves for my daily workout.  I found two “active senior” women who wanted to chat at a slower pace than the rotation of every 30 seconds to the next machine/station.  I ended up lapping them a couple of times.  It is a good thing they were cute old ladies because how can you really get mad at them for impacting your workout?

I met Kenyon for lunch and hit up Trader Joe’s for some grocery shopping.  I planned some crockpot meals this week so we can have easy dinner after we get off work.  I got my car washed and then did some meal prep so that this weekend will run more smoothly.  Finally I met my friend Phoenix and her daughter Kiki for dinner at Costa Vita.  It was a really nice day off.

It was also a very successful day off in the sweets/sugar/dessert category.  I am not trying to white knuckle it but I was successful in keeping it in check and avoiding sweets yesterday.  I used gum to bypass that time I think about it and/or want to stop for a treat.  I got some FF/SF pudding to make and also bought some WW pretzel chocolate bars (2 SPV) as a “treat.”  Today after my lunch I am having a rice cake with peanut butter and a little bit of honey.  Again, I don’t want to go cold turkey so I am trying to combat it but also reduce.

As far as meals I planned a crockpot Gyros and Beef Broccoli.  I also have stuff on hand for making pita pizza with the leftover pitas.  I really want some falafels as well but I’m not sure if I want to go to all the trouble of some of the baked recipes I looked at online.  Snacks will include yogurt, fruit, cottage cheese, and pickled rolled up in ham and cream cheese.  It sounds weird but it is yummy!    

My goal right now is to make small changes that will build and create larger results.  I don’t want to do a complete overhaul and feel totally overwhelmed.  I am also tracking this week but not yet factoring up the SPV.  With my few planned events this week I didn’t want to get off track and stop tracking due to higher SPV foods. 

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