

The Last Of The Grandmothers

Please excuse my absence.  It has been a rough few days.  My grandmother isn’t doing really well.  I spent time with her on Sunday and Monday at her care center visiting and then yesterday she took a turn for the worse.  The end is near and soon she will no longer be in pain. 

My grandparents will have been married 65 years in September. 


Grandma will be 84 in May.  Growing up I was lucky to have four grandmothers in my life, two grandmothers and two great-grandmothers.  Grandma D is the last living grandmother.  My family and I spent yesterday at the hospital sharing memories of all four grandmothers.  It was a nice way to pass the time and lighten the mood. 

At one point we were even joking about emotional eating.  We had gotten a few Subway sandwiches, chips, and cookies to share and Dad wanted a second cookie.  I said, “have as many as you want, we are emotionally eating today.”  That probably wasn’t 100% correct as I’m not sure many of us even had much of an appetite.  I have a pretty bad head cold so I know my appetite is all out of whack. 

But, as we all know you must first take care of yourself before you can take care of anybody else.

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