

The Last Few Days: Lots Of Packing And Moving

Good Morning and Happy Wednesday.  I am writing this just after midnight so I can officially wish you a happy mid-week hello.  I’m sorry for my absence.  It was a crazy busy weekend but a productive weekend as well.


Saturday was the first day Kenyon and I actually had time to really dig in and do some packing.  We got a late start but still managed to get quite a bit done.  We rented our storage unit and picked up boxes from Uhaul.  Since the weather was a bit iffy and started out with rain we figured that was the better day to be inside packing.  My Mom came over and helped me tackle the kitchen which was a huge help.

While we were packing I noticed the same car drove by three times.  As we were about to head out to lunch two females were walking up the driveway.  I stepped out to greet them saying I noticed they had driven by a few times.  It was an older gal from California that was interested in buying the house and her daughter-in-law that lived close by.  They wanted to know when we might be ready to sell and at what price.  I extended an invitation to come inside and look around despite the mess and chaos of packing.  We made sure to get them our realtor’s information so they could make contact with her.

Saturday evening I had a party to attend.  I was invited to a Fuller House premiere party at my coworker’s house as I am friends with his wife.  I got there too late to visit with their twin boys and see my friend Stephanie’s little girl.  I’ve seen lots of photos and I was sad to miss out seeing those cuties.   We had a great time and I wished I could have stayed longer.  I love Fuller House and as soon as I have a spare minute I’ll get back to my binge-watching.


Sunday was our Uhaul day.  We went to breakfast and then picked up the Uhaul bright and early.  I had talked with my Mom and she and Dad had offered to come help us load the Uhaul.  Again, it was such a huge help.  Once we had the Uhaul loaded it was time to get ready for my annual Academy Awards Party.  I was exhausted and was down to the wire on time getting things put back together so my friends weren’t sitting amongst a mess.  I kept thinking to myself “it is a good thing we are getting a bigger house” every time I saw my friends squeezed into our tiny kitchen and dining room.  Jamie’s daughter Audrey told me, “I hope you get a bigger table too.”  How cute!

During our party we got an email from our realtor that the same people that came to the house on Saturday wanted a pre-showing of the house Sunday afternoon.  They were fully aware the house wasn’t in the ready-to-show condition but they were really interested in purchasing our house.  We decided we could make it work.  I was really exhausted by the end of the evening and as much as I protested Jamie helped clean up, which the next morning I was grateful for.


We started our day in a furry with un-loading the Uhaul and then packing and boxing so we could get ready for the pre-showing.  Since we had to get large items into the Uhaul the day before we had stuff all over the floor that had been removed from bookcases.  I was also trying to get the house clean and in showing-condition.  We got a text at one point from the buyer’s agent asking if they could move the time up…ack!  Thankfully we were able to say no as we just weren’t ready.  I had a mini-meltdown with all the stress and anxiety.

I used the stager’s recommendations to try and make the house look somewhat presentable.

We barely made it out of the house with 15 minutes to spare and went out to Red Robin for lunch.  We were exhausted.  It is really hard to pack and clean in preparation for a pre-showing.  I think that was more work than just the packing/moving alone.  We had hoped they would make us a decent offer on the house so our time spent wasn’t for nothing.

We came home from lunch and I proceeded to take a two hour nap.  As much as I knew I should keep working on the house, instead I took the night off.  Three days of packing and moving is really tough on the body.  I think I exceeded my daily movement goal everyday over the weekend and one day I doubled it!


I had to return to work at 8pm but was awake in the late morning.  The painter stopped by to put a paint sample on the wall and I moved a few things to the storage shed so I could get my car back in the garage.  That was about it.  I’ll be honest; I’m losing steam on this whole moving/packing experience. 

We got offer on the house and it is a really good offer.  We meet with our realtor later today to discuss the offer and hopefully she can tell us the bottom line after all the fees are paid what we will come away with.  We are also expected to get our counter offer back with CBH Homes later today so that will give us an idea on how much we need for our 10% down payment.

If we are able to accept this offer, it means we won’t have to rush anymore.  This would mean that we no longer have to get our house ready for showing and no longer would be on such a quick deadline.  If all things go smoothly and there aren’t any issues with a home inspection, they would be looking to close in April.  We could push back our pending appointments for painting, carpet cleaning, and window cleaning until I can get back to dayshift in another week and a half.  That would be awesome!

Well, there is a recap of our last few days.  My Mom said on Saturday that I must enjoy thriving on stress.  She was pretty sure when I came back to ISP I was looking to just be normal again.  Then I decided to go and buy a house.  In the end it will all be worth it but boy is it stressful!

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