

Bra Shopping At The Plus-Size Store

I’ve needed new bras for a while now.  My Victoria Secret purchase from long ago was starting to fall apart and I’ve had to re-attach the strap each morning.  I didn’t really want to go back to Victoria Secret per se and now that I am once again in the plus-size category I was actually excited to get back to Lane Bryant to try on their balconette bras.  It was one of my very favorite bras before I lost all my weight.

I used to shop at Lane Bryant all the time.  It was the one store that you could find clothes that fit and look good without having to try on a lot of clothes that didn’t fit in the process.  Once I lost my weight I took pride in the fact that I didn’t have to shop there anymore despite all the cute clothes they offer.  There was a bit of anxiety as I drove to the mall last Sunday.  I remember it was really difficult to go from shopping in the plus size section to shopping in the regular section.  Newsflash: it is just as difficult doing the reverse.  Also, when you go from shopping in the regular size section to the plus size section, there tends to be a negative connotation that goes with it. 

I am not sure why it has to be a negative experience though as I had a very positive experience.  The sales gal was awesome.  I explained that I needed new bras and since I’ve recently gained some weight I’d like to get measured.  She gave me the rundown of all the bras they have (I explained I used to be a regular) and then helped me select a few in the size I needed.  She even shared with me which bras help her as she has excess back and side fat.  I felt really comfortable and wasn’t embarrassed at all about my re-gain. 

Side note: right now I am not allowed to open any new credit until our house sells and the new build is complete.  If I could though, I’d have opened a store credit card and bought myself some new clothes to go with my new bras.  Instead I contained myself.

For the first time in a while I finally felt like the clothing items in the store would fit me.  I didn’t have to feel down on myself for trying on a size 16 at JC Penney only to have it not fit.  Or if I am lucky to have it fit for it to not look good.  I know buying new clothes in a larger size is never a good idea.  I’ve done it…twice now.  I just wish we could ditch the negative feelings that go with it. 

Plus-size women are just as beautiful as skinny women.  It is easy to forget that when you live in a world of Weight Watchers.  Being healthy is key.  We are not defined by our size.  We should not be shamed by it either.

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