

Family Is Important

Well, the graduation circuit has come to an end with my cousin Sarah’s graduation party yesterday.

I have had the best time seeing my extended family these last few weeks.  The older I get the more I realize that family is very important and making it to as many social gatherings as my work schedule allows is top priority.  Thankfully we have the annual Christmas get-together each year so at the very minimum I get to see my family then.  We also see some during the summer months in Silver City.  Other than the occasional wedding or funeral, we don’t all come together.  I am going to plan a summer reunion type event so we can all see each other next year.

My Grandpa is the second oldest of eight kids.  His youngest brother Mike is 20 years younger than his oldest brother Chuck.  That means my Great Uncle Mike is actually one year older than my Dad.  My Great Uncle Chuck and Great Uncle Jim have both passed away.  Sadly, we have also lost a few of my Great Aunt’s husbands and we no longer have my Grandma with us either.  Death is a part of living but even if your loved one is old, it is hard to see them go.

Aunt Jean, Aunt Jane, Aunt Flo, Aunt MaryAnn, & Grandpa
Of the eight siblings, all but three married and had kids.  I have many extended cousins both older and younger and as we have all grown older and started our own families, I have many even younger cousins as well.  Growing up with four siblings and no immediate cousins on my Dad’s side allowed us to get really close with our extended cousins.  I am thankful for those relationships I have developed.

Some of our family at the Duck Ranch in April

I like to joke with people that I am related to half of Owyhee County.  There is some truth to that though.  It has been fun to explain to Hailey and Emma when we are at a large family gathering that all of these people are related to you in some form or another.

It makes my heart happy.

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