

Update On New Build: Framing, Outside Paint, & Sheetrock

They made some good headway in our house and the houses around us last week.  The framing is complete and the house was painted.  Our house is the only one without a roof and stone.  I hope that might come this week.  We shall see.


The inside is also coming along.  Sheet rock went up late last week.  We stopped by on Sunday morning and see they are getting ready to add mud to the corners of the walls and then to texture them.  The rooms look so different with the sheet rock.  Some rooms look large and some look small.  We spent a little time on Friday evening brainstorming where we might put furniture and what we want to buy for the new house.
Looking at the closet in the entry way.  Front door on left.

Looking at the kitchen from the living room.  Entry on the left.

Living Room
Dining Room
No, that cord should not be coming out of the center of the wall.



Bonus Boom/Loft

Spare Bathroom

Laundry Room

Looking from inside the master bedroom towards the master bathroom and the doorway into the master bedroom.

Master Bedroom

Looking down the hallway from the master bedroom.  The bonus room/loft is on the left along with the stairs.  The two bedrooms are at the end of the hallway.

We are having some issues with the windows and hoping it either gets fixed or we can get a better explanation of it all.  Kenyon noticed there are some energy rating stickers on some of the windows that have a map of the US.  Well, the map on our windows shows the energy rating higher in the lower southern US.  The map on the windows in the other houses near us (you can get into the houses for a little while before they are locked by CBH) show the energy rating higher in the western US including Idaho.  Our realtor has contacted her window gal who ensures us that the windows are still rated okay for this area, just better in the Southern US.  What we don’t understand is why CBH put windows rated higher in Idaho in the other houses but not in ours?  We looked over the upgrade options on the paperwork we were given and I don’t think this was an upgrade option.  It is just very puzzling.

The other mistake Kenyon noticed was in the dining room.  There is this very large piece of wiring coming into the middle of our dining room wall.  After he investigated he noticed that it is the wiring for the air compressor and should have gone outside vs. inside.  He thinks the crew that did the sheet rock didn’t know what it was for and therefore just made a whole for it in the middle of our dining room.  Ummm…okay then. 

For now, we have reported it all and will wait to hear back from CBH.  We are also keeping an eye on a few other spots that aren’t of major concern but just seem to be not quite up to par.

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