

Day Date: Brunch, Wahooz, And A Movie

Kenyon and I don’t have a whole lot of days off together and now that I have rotated to new days off, we will only have Saturdays together.  That isn’t a whole lot of time to spend with somebody I really enjoy seeing.  When we made plans for our open house, Kenyon took Sunday off work too.  So yesterday we had ourselves a Day Date.

After having breakfast/brunch at LePeep, Kenyon wanted to play mini golf.  It was a beautiful Fall day so we went to Wahooz for a round of mini golf. 


The game went really fast so afterwards we spent some time at the arcade playing various games.  We kept coming back to the huge game of Connect Four since we found it the most bang for our bucks and the best chance at winning some tickets. 


I had my sights set on a Marvel stuffed Captain America that was 800 tickets.  We spent a more money than we should have trying to win him but in the end it was a success.


After Wahooz we took in a late afternoon movie.  We had both wanted to see Sully so we headed to Edwards/Regal in Nampa complete with popcorn.  It was an excellent movie and very emotional.  What an amazing story.  I highly recommend seeing it.

It was such a fun day and I am so glad I had some quality with my favorite person.


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