

Being Happy

I started a blog post the other day reflecting on my negative thoughts about my weight gain since returning from vacation.  It takes just one unflattering photo to bring to light the elephant in the room.  Yesterday in the early evening I was tooling around my house getting ready for work thinking all these happy thoughts.  I love the life I have built.  I love my husband.  I love our new house.  I just love where I am at in this time of my life. 

And none of that happiness has anything to do with/without being at my goal weight.

Yes, when I was at my goal weight I was happy.  I had a renewed sense of life and a ton of extra energy.  I guess this phase of my life is just a different kind of happy.  That isn’t to say I’m not nervous about my weekly WI though.

I ended up taking a pass at my meeting tonight.  Between vacation weight (I did get on the scale at home when I woke up this afternoon) and our dispatch Christmas potluck at 3:30pm, I told the receptionist I was going to “pass, pay, and stay”.  I wanted to stay for my meeting so I can get my charm for attending six of eight meetings over these last several weeks.  And I really like the Monday night group.  We are supposed to wear ugly sweaters next week.  Fun!

Speaking of ugly sweaters…


Our dispatch Christmas potluck and at work tonight allowed us to wear jeans if we wore an ugly sweater.  Mine isn’t ugly but I still took the opportunity to wear jeans.  I added my new holiday glasses and my flashing light necklace.  So much fun!

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